Friday, May 6, 2011

Sharing is Caring!

To share is to care. Please remember to share your time, energy, and smiles with others.

It's A Boy!

It's a boy!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Fon James Blog Has Moved

Please visit me in my new

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

So ready, you can hardly stand it

Have you ever been so ready for something to happen that you can hardly stand to wait for it? Many of us experience this often when we have done everything we needed to do, we are now just waiting on our blessing. When it starts taking a while, we get anxious and antsy, right?

I want to encourage you today to enjoy the wait. Hold up, I know what you are thinking and I thought the same thing too when I wrote this, but I am hear to tell you that there is often a blessing in your waiting.

In a society where everything is instant, we sometimes don't get why this or that is taking so long, but in all honesty, the reason you are in waiting mode is because there are a few details that must take place in order for you to step into your destiny. You don't know what those details are, but during your wait, you have to trust God and know that He'll give it to you in due time...because as Dotty Peeples sang...He's an on-time God...yes He is.

Coach Fon's Journaling Assignment
What are you waiting on? How would you feel about waiting a little longer if you knew there was a blessing in your wait?

Be Blessed, Be Encouraged, and remember, life is more about the journey and not the destination.

Coach Fon

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

What are you waiting on?

Over the past weekend, I enjoyed some quality time with my husband and daughter. We went to the park and my daughter enjoyed sliding and swinging. This was our first time taking her to a "real park." We had taken her to the play area in our neighborhood to slide one time before, but this time we took her to the big park. She absolutely had a blast and so did we! I was thinking to myself...what took us so long to do this? I was so relaxed and just enjoyed being outside in the sun spending time with my two most favorite people.

It made me start to ponder the thought, "What am I waiting on to live the life I often dream of living?" Have you ever wanted to live a certain lifestyle or experience certain things? Like being able to take a stroll in the park or just simply enjoy a nice bubble bath every once in a while? How many of us delay life waiting on perfect circumstances? Does this sound familiar: As soon as I get married, then me and my husband or me and my wife will go to the park; When I have kids, then I will go the park; When I move into a nicer house with a nicer bathroom, then I will take bubble baths. When I do this or that, then I will do this or that.

Let my experience be a nice reminder that if you wait too long, you will end up missing out on all life has to offer. We have to consciously choose to live life everyday the way we want and desire to live it.

I encourage you today to stop waiting on perfect circumstances and just start living the life you want today. Go to the park before the spouse and kids. Enjoy a bubble bath in your current bathtub. Whatever you are waiting on, make up your mind to start doing it now. Experience the life you want today by simply living that life today. You'd be amazed at how blessed you are already and how if you simply make up your mind, you can start experiencing some things right now.

Coach Fon's Journaling Exercise:
Write down three new things you have been putting off experiencing because you were waiting on something else to occur? Write down when you will start experiencing it and what feelings you want to feel as you are experiencing it. Set the tone for your experience and it will happen exactly as you desire.

Be Blessed and Encouraged and is about the journey, not the destination.

Coach Fon

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Monday, February 8, 2010

What are you being called to do?

Why is it that most of us are called to do something, but are afraid to step out there and do it?

You may be called to be in the medical field, or you may be called to speak, teach, and of course some of you may be getting the preaching call (as the old folks used to say, some are called and some just went!). Make sure you are getting the preaching calling! Okay, so back to my question. For those that have been called to do whatever, why are you not doing it? What's got you stuck?

Being able to identify what's got you stuck is a huge breakthrough moment in moving forward. A lot of times the answer is simply fear. Often defined as False Evidence Appearing Real, FEAR has kept up from living on purpose for God. What are you afraid of?

If you're wondering what may be holding you back from what you know in your heart you are being called to do or you want to explore the fear you may be experiencing, then send me an email for a complimentary life coaching session (

Awareness is the key to unlocking your stuck state-of-mind.

Be Blessed and Be Encouraged!
Coach Fon

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Your Purpose May Come from The Pain

When I coach my clients, there is always something that comes up in the session that seems to cause them pain. Whether it's a lack of something or a desire for something that is so heavy, they just can't seem to fathom waiting any longer. Whatever it may be, it's creating this sense of pain for them. But how many of you know that your purpose may come from that very pain?

See when you go through things, God has a way of getting the glory out of it, which translates into purpose, and you may be fulfilling His purpose through the pains you're having to endure. The great thing is God doesn't let us endure the pain without Him. He provides us with His unconditional love, grace and mercy.

I hear you. You're saying, but Coach Fon it's just unbearable and I am tired of the pain. I am ready for a change right now. You're right, you may very well be tired of going through it, but I'm here to tell you that you are currently building character and growing your faith through that pain, which may be helpful for your purpose.

Whatever you're dealing with today, consider it part of the process and part of the journey you must take for you to be who you need to be in order to serve God and live out His purpose for your life.

Be Encouraged and Be Blessed...and today...Be Strong!
Coach Fon